UnDaunted by GameChangers Universal
Our Very Own GameChangers Universal Magazine!
This was our premiere issue and we plan to continue the magazine in the near future!
(Click on the image below to read it online for free!)
Our new magazine features testimonials from AMTC grads and various Christian performers in different fields of the entertainment business: Karissa Hagemeister – Model; Jordan Barker – Comedy; Kim Baldwin – Exclusive; Dennis Loewer – Acting; Shattered Silence – Justin Gambino – Music; Daniel Browning – Dance; and the movie 8 Days by After Eden Pictures. The magazine includes advice columns from various agencies and others in the entertainment industry. It will be available online initially and in print in the near future. Businesses and other entities will be able to advertise in it as well.
Mission: GCU’s UnDaunted Magazine is a bi-monthly treasure chest of information on the spectacular journey through the entertainment and media industry.
Created to inspire, encourage, connect, and strengthen all dreamers who dare to explore this creative path through valuable resources and insightful, on-the-ground sources.
Walk with us through each heart-breaking challenge and each exhilarating mountain top success.
Stay plugged in for exciting industry projects on the horizon and discover your destiny…be UnDaunted.
Contributors: If you’d like to be a part of our magazine and/or help to contribute content, (photos, stories, advice columns, articles, art, etc.), please use our Contact Form to send us your information.
Advertising: If you’d like to advertise your business, agency, books, music, art, etc. in UnDaunted, please fill out our contact form. To see our Advertising Rates and Advertising Agreement just click on the links.