Getting Noticed – 101

There is a wealth of information available on how to get your stuff out there on the web and then getting noticed. One can spend a lot of money paying someone else to do it and still not get very far. I am doing a series with some advice on some things the average performer can do. Check back to see new posts and/or subscribe to this blog at the bottom left to get the updates.

Some of the things one might want to consider are the following tools which are available:

  1. Personal Website – Having your own performer website, your name in the URL is vital at some point. It shows you are serious about your craft. It also shows a bit about you from the design you choose for your site. I will show you how to get your own website for a very reasonable fee in subsequent posts.
  2. Facebook Fan Page – If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page, you are already behind. This page is vital because it can be your starting place before you get a website. On this page, you can post about who you are, links to your other media pages, and other important info, video, etc.
  3. Facebook Personal Page – Use your personal Facebook page to share things with close family and friends who believe in you. This can be special to them that you’ve invited them to be a part of your more private audience. Let them know that as well. They can be the ones who pray for you, support you the most and share your links and special news updates with their friends. It’s mostly about word of mouth.
  4. Instagram – Instagram is a very popular way to get noticed and your account can be linked to your Facebook page to save time on posts.
  5. Twitter – Twitter is very good for location news, projects you are currently working on, itinerary schedules and short messages that point to a Facebook page, website or somewhere you want to drive your audience.
  6. Google + – Many people overlook Google +, but I’ve found that if I post something in Facebook and Google +, the Google search engine actually grabs the info from Google + faster than it does from Facebook. The more places you have things out there, the more noticed your stuff will be.
  7. Linked In – Linked In is a professional source for you to add your info. I changed my career info to actor, singer, producer and some other things and I had some new people want me to add them to my connections within a few days, some being other producers and actors.
  8. Blog – Don’t underestimate the power of blogs. The search engines grab info from these to direct attention to the sites you list and link to.  A very good blog to use, if you don’t want one built into your website which is what I will be talking about in another post, go to and set up a blog for yourself. I’ll give more tips later about some things you want to include in your blog.
  9. Youtube Channel – If you are a performer, you need videos of your stuff on Youtube. Agents in the industry look at your numbers to see how popular your craft is to others. The more professional you can get your videos the better, but start where you can. Most cell phone videos are a great way to start. Experiment and have fun with it.
  10. IMDB – Once you have a credit, you will want to get an account.

I will be giving more info in the coming days on the above topics. I am a web developer, audio/video editor and graphic designer in addition to being a singer/songwriter and actor. Please feel free to comment on this blog and/or send your requests to me via our contact page. I will be covering the how’s to set up some of these entities and link them to each other.

I hope this is helpful, blessings,

Joseph James